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Have you ever wondered what happens if someone’s ESR rate is high? If you are suffering from the same, we will tel...

Platelet transfusion is a critical medical intervention used to treat various conditions that affect blood clotting. But...

Have you ever wondered about the Beta Thalassemia Minor issue? If yes, then consider this your ultimate destination! Bet...

Are you experiencing unexplained fatigue, frequent infections, or unusual bleeding? These symptoms could be potential in...

Myeloma cancer, also known as multiple myeloma, is a severe medical condition that affects plasma cells, which are a vit...

High leukocytes can significantly affect your body, and understanding these effects is crucial for maintaining overall h...

Spleen! The name doesn’t ring a bell like the heart or lungs, but the little organ hidden in the left side of your...

Have you ever wondered what happens when your doctor orders a Complete Blood Count (CBC) or CBP test? It may sound techn...

Iron, a necessary mineral vital for maintaining good health, is obtained through your diet. From carrying oxygen to supp...

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